Our leftover IXL prizes will be for sale during lunches tomorrow for $1 each.
about 2 months ago, Meghan Moody
We will have an end-of-year awards ceremony on Thursday, 5/23 at 1:30pm for our 5th, 6th, and 7th graders.
about 2 months ago, Meghan Moody
Our 8th grade promotion ceremony is Tuesday, 5/21 at 5:00 p.m. See the attached flyer regarding the rules for attendees as well as a schedule. The ceremony will be live-streamed on MS Teams. Use the link below to watch it live. A recording will be available to watch on our website and in our private Facebook group for students and families later this week. https://teams.microsoft.com/l/meetup-join/19%3ameeting_NjYxNjFiYTUtYmZiNi00NzJkLTllZTMtZmMyMGE2NWQyYmQ2%40thread.v2/0?context=%7b%22Tid%22%3a%2290592b52-d760-466f-bb25-3098a7cf80e0%22%2c%22Oid%22%3a%227cdc3c10-1fc7-4b61-ae37-9e5ca300f117%22%7d
about 2 months ago, Meghan Moody
Grateful for the meals that fuel our minds and warm our hearts. Thank you Cafeteria Staff! 🍎🥪
2 months ago, PPS Communications
School Lunch Hero Day
🌞 **Dive into Summer Learning! 🌞 Hi, parents and guardians! Ready to give your 6-8th graders an amazing summer experience? Sign them up for our optional learning session with new camp-like activities! Go to www.psd150.org/summer to learn more and register before May 1st!
2 months ago, PPS Communications
Grades 6-8 Summer Learning
🌞 **Experience Summer Learning with Us! 🌞 Hello, 3rd-5th grade parents and guardians! Are you looking for an exciting summer opportunity for your kids? Sign them up for our optional learning session with new camp-like activities! Go to www.psd150.org/summer to learn more and register before May 1st!
2 months ago, PPS Communications
Grades 3-5 Summer Learning
🌞 **Experience Summer Learning with Us! 🌞 Hello, 3rd-5th grade parents and guardians! Are you looking for an exciting summer opportunity for your kids? Sign them up for our optional learning session with new camp-like activities! Go to www.psd150.org/summer to learn more and register before May 1st!
2 months ago, PPS Communications
Grades 3-5 Summer Learning
Congrats to the winners of the IXL Pizza Party for March!
3 months ago, Meghan Moody
March pizza party
PTO will be selling concessions after lunches every Friday until they sell out. Students are allowed to bring money on Fridays to purchase water, chips, or candy. Students should put whatever they purchase in their lockers to take home. As a reminder, we *do not* accept online payments such as CashApp or Venmo.
3 months ago, Meghan Moody
PTO Sell Out
Due to icy roads, today, January 23rd will be an E-Learning (virtual) Day! 🎒 ❄️ There will be NO in-person school today. Please go to www.psd150.org/elearning for your school's instructions.
6 months ago, PPS Communications
Due to icy roads, today, January 22nd will be an E-Learning (virtual) Day! 🎒 ❄️ There will be NO in-person school today. Please go to www.psd150.org/elearning for your school's instructions.
6 months ago, PPS Communications
Due to icy roads, today, January 22nd will be an E-Learning (virtual) Day! 🎒 ❄️ There will be NO in-person school today. Please go to www.psd150.org/elearning for your school's instructions.
6 months ago, PPS Communications
Due to -25°F Windchill, this Tuesday, January 16th will be an E-Learning (virtual) Day! 🎒 ❄️ The will be NO in-person school on Tuesday. Please go to psd150.org/elearning for your school's instructions.
6 months ago, PPS Communications
Elearning Day
Happy Kwanzaa from Peoria Public Schools!
6 months ago, PPS Communications
happy kwanzaa
Merry Christmas! All offices are closed from 12/25-12/26.
6 months ago, PPS Communications
merry christmas
Happy Hanukkah from Peoria Public Schools!
7 months ago, PPS Communications
Happy Hanukkah
Happy Thanksgiving from Peoria Public Schools!🍗🍽️ All schools and offices are closed from 11/23-11/24.
8 months ago, PPS Communications
happy thanksgiving
Happy Veterans Day from Peoria Public Schools!
8 months ago, PPS Communications
Happy Veterans Day
Tanner donut orders will be available for pickup after school on 11/15.
8 months ago, Meghan Moody
tanners pickup
Our Grandparents Day Celebration will be on 11/14 at 8:30 a.m.
8 months ago, Meghan Moody
grandparents day 2023