Sterling Commercial Databases

Story Line Online

Spelling City 

Epic Reading for Kids


Sign In:

Password: sterling

Reading A-Z

User name:  Sterling150

Password:  jaguars 


Online Newspapers                               

Access to U.S. Newspapers


Digital Media

With Digital download media available 24/7, your library is always open! Get started now by visiting the Guided Tour or our Quick-Start Guide, on this ultra cool site!  Mrs. Yates


OCLC's First Search  

The World's Information at Your Fingertips

OCLC's FirstSearch provides a tremendous number of databases to you using one type of searching.  A selected subset of these databases are available to you free of charge courtesy of the Office of the Illinois Secretary of State.

To use any of the databases above you must have the Authorization Code 100108167 and Password  peoriaps

 The following are the databases you may access:

General Databases

WorldCat - Books and other materials in libraries worldwide. Article1st - Index of articles from nearly 12,500 journals.

Specialized Databases

Clase Periodica - Index of Latin American journals in science and humanities. Ebooks - Catalog of online electronic books available through libraries worldwide. ECO - A collection of scholarly journals. ERIC - Journal articles and reports in education. GPO - U.S. Government publications. MEDLINE - Abstracted articles from medical journals. PapersFirst - An index of papers presented at conferences. Proceedings - An index of conference publications. WilsonSelectPlus Full text articles in science, humanities, education and business WorldAlmanac - The World Almanacs.


Resource Sharing Alliance

This is the catalog page for the Resource Sharing Alliance all Central Illinois public and academic libraries:

Illinois Periodicals Online 

IPO is a unique, Web-based collection of Illinois publications. The resources provide fast, intuitive access to information from a wide variety of sources. Many of the sources are in full text and full page.  You can access Illinois Issues, Illinois Heritage, Outdoor Illinois and many other publications.


Other additional Web Sites and commercial databases

